News ID: 1361
Publish Date : 16 December 2017 - 12:25
Iran Khodro’s CEO;

Part Manufacturers Need Special Attention

Iran Khodro’s CEO: “We ask the parliament to design a mechanism for part manufacturers so they will be able to be renovated and also the parliament should pay a special attention to them.
Khodrocar – In the ceremony of beginning the mass production of "Dena+” and "Peugeot 207 Automatic”, Hashem Yekkezareh said that they are committed to deliver good quality cars to the customers and mentioned: "Quality is our commitment but 80 percent of this quality refers to the part manufacturers and this industry is getting obsolete. If we don’t consider the renovation of part manufacturers, there will be disaster.”

He continued: "Also a great attention must be paid to the worn out vehicles and we request the government to help scrapping them.”

Yekkezareh explained about the cooperation with Peugeot: "Our foreign partner must consider that 70 percent of the products should be produced domestically and this is our red line. According to the negotiations with Peugeot, they will use Iranian parts and parts in Algeria on its site.

Iran Khodro’s CEO mentioned the high costs of designing platform and said: "Designing platform need more than thousand billion IRRs and we need this amount of capital to become Automaker.”

He added that because of high fuel consumption of our commercial vehicles, about 1.5 to 2 billion IRRs are wasted and explained: "By half of this amount and investing in the motorcycle industry, fuel consumption can be reduced from 60 liters to 30 liters.”

Khodrocar translator: Maziyar Jafarieh